Faith, fear, and logic

I love how people try to ask where the logic is when discussing acts of faith like tithing, praying, and fasting.

They don’t practice the steps of faith “because they are illogical.” But those same people use logic to compensate for their fears.

You may say that's consistent but it's not. Yes they are using logic to assess and analyze the decisions they are making but that's not the entire problem. It's what they are applying the logic to. 

You see faith and fear require the same thing--belief in the unknown. 

So, using logic to support fears but not faith when they both require you to believe in the unknown is inconsistent. 

But I understand why people do it. 

Logic is built on their belief in yourself. Your knowledge, experiences, and most often--your ego. Logic is your way of being 100% in control. Whether you desire to be in control of people, plans, or processes, if you can understand the logic fueling it you will likely approve. 

This approach gives you the ultimate control. 

The problem is that you can't know everything. You don't see everything. You can't touch every heart and mind like GOD can. So, by relying on logic you're constantly operating at a deficit in comparison to GOD. 

The truth is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

But instead of choosing to follow a path that will guarantee success, many of you chose to double down on the limited power of logic by applying it to your fears. And this is where the real trouble comes in.

Fear is not only a form of belief in the unknown. It's also something that’s not a gift from GOD. I'm not talking about fight or flight type of concern or aggression. I'm talking about the irrational, unsubstantiated, unproven belief that something less than desirable might happen. True blue fear of the unknown.  

This is not of GOD. He didn’t give us fear because with Him in our lives we don’t need it. It's a hindrance; a perversion of what we think the future will bring. And perversion is the best tool in the devil's toolbox. 

Holding onto fear tethers you to a negative outlook on your life. It's untrue and it’s incredibly stagnating. Just think about it. If you gave weight to every fear that's ever crossed your mind you would be insanely stagnant. You wouldn't have moved in decades let alone years. And that's exactly what the devil wants. 

The devil wants all the people that GOD made so wonderfully in His image to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually stuck and completely unaware of the power that is within them. He thinks he will win if he holds captive more and more people who are equipped to do amazing things. Meanwhile, the truth is that the battle has already been won.

So, when you use logic to compensate for your UNGODLY and irrational fears because they are reasonable in your eyes you are helping the devil create stagnation in your own life. You're contributing to your own frustration and potential demise. 

You may not be doing this in every area of your life, but it only takes one thing to hold you back. One generational stronghold, broken relationship, or traumatic encounter can make you and generations to come completely immobile. 

When this happens you lose, your legacy loses, and the love of GOD longs for you. 

GOD longs for you because He can't tell a lie. He can't go back on His Word. When He said " let them have dominion over the earth" He meant it.  He gave you free will to choose where you put your energy. If you chose to rely on your strength and intellect that's fine because it's your decision. If you choose to stand on fear that is also respected because you decided to do that too. 

But unlike GOD, I don't have to accept your decisions.

I don't have to allow you to operate from lack, stagnation, and the limitations of your knowledge, experiences, and understanding.

GOD has purposed me to help you see the limitations that you've chosen to put on your own life. He's assigned me to do this work because He loves you. His love has longed for you to make a better choice for a long time. 

By my own free will, I've accepted His assignment so that you can finally know the truth. 

Choosing to be logical keeps limits on your life.

Choosing to operate from, around, or because of fear keeps you stuck. 

But laying down logic and fear to operate by faith guarantees you success. 

Just like logic and fear, faith is a choice. You must choose to set aside your reliance on logic and making adjustments for your fears before you can fully experience the grace, mercy, and favor that faith brings. 

Because faith is a gift from GOD, it cannot exist in the same space with other things. It won't play second fiddle. Faith must always come before logic and will forever defeat fear.

Faith is unlike anything in the world, because it is a belief you possess and the proof that such belief is real at the same time. How is that possible? All things are possible with GOD. That which makes sense and that which doesn't.

When you choose faith, you're admitting that you believe that GOD knows more, sees more, and has more in store for you. When you choose faith you’re also declaring in spirit and in action the belief on which you need to stand for the fullness of GOD’s plan to come true in your life. 

If you want all things to be possible in your life you're going to have to walk in faith. You're going to have to set your mind on faith daily. You cannot achieve all things on your own logic. Other options will always crop up. And to reap the benefits, desires, and success that you want, you must set your mind beliefs, thoughts and actions on faith.

And even if you could achieve everything you want by putting logic first, would you even want to take that chance? The chance that you will get to the end of your life at 80, 90 or 100 years old only to realize that you should have done it GOD's way? The chance that the logical journey you chose to take may have been clear but it didn't allow you to accomplish all your dreams?!?! 

I'm not willing to take that chance for myself. 

I don't want you to take that risk for yourself because there are no do-overs in life. You only pass this way but once. 

Do yourself, your legacy, and all the generations to come behind you a favor--chose faith. 

Choose it today. Walk in it tomorrow. Life by it forever.


Succeeding During Any Crisis