Succeeding During Any Crisis

This past week has been totally unbelievable. The COVID-19 pandemic has been surprising on so many levels. In looking back I was surprised at how smooth last week ended up going for me.

How so?

I treated my life like flight attendants tell me to do: I spent the past week putting my mask on first.

I opted to work from home long before it was suggested let alone mandatory.

I made sure that my loved ones were safe and protected.

Then I perfected my work from home routine.

It seemed like I did all these steps almost instinctively. But while I was sharing my reflection on my weekly client call, I realized that I've been training to succeed during a time like this for a year and a half. You see, since November 2018 I have been:

  • Learning how to intentionally set my mind to focus solely on the things that serve me well


  • Establishing my own self-awareness process so I can identify personal development standards and quick adjustments I need to maintain my success

In hindsight, I'm sooooo sure that this work is exactly what has allowed me to smoothly adjust to this climate of increase noise, fear-mongering, and change.

Putting myself first back then has allowed me to continue leveling up my performance at work, in relationships, and business right now as the world around me freaks out.

So, I want to offer you a few things you can do right now to reset your mind and begin creating a space in your world where you can ensure your success during this pandemic and in the long run.

  1. Choose 1 reputable source of information and block everything else out. Give yourself a specific time of day and duration for digesting the information. I recommend late afternoon going to a news website and reading a few of the main articles. Give yourself 15 to 20 minutes max.

  2. After your work day is over get fresh air and go for a walk (if local laws permit). This is a major key. You need to connect with nature. You don't need all the noise and hysteria of the outside world but you do need the beauty of nature.

  3. While you do things around your house, put on headphones and listen to music that excites your or audio books that you would listen to on your commute. It's so important that you learn how to control your energy. Changing what you listen to is one of the fastest and deepest ways to reset the confusion inside your head.

If nothing else, please take this time that we are not allowed to go outside to look inside yourself and resolve/change the issues that continue to show up in your life. This is your chance to press the reset button. Don't wait. There is no perfect or ideal time. Today will always be the best time to focus on prepare yourself and your mind to be able to handle the unexpected. If you do it now, you won't ever be caught off guard and you can maintain the smooth success you desire.

Faith, fear, and logic

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